Biographical information

To summarize, I attended three primary schools due to us moving. In Robertson, I attended the Robertson Preparatory School until grade three. My father got a job in Stellenbosch and we moved here at the end of 2001. In 2002, I attended Eikestad Primary, but only for one year. It was quite difficult to adapt to a new environment and to a new school at such a young age. From 2003-2005 I attended Pieter Langeveldt Primary, which was closer to my home. My high school education was quite challenging at first, since I was enrolled at a girls school, Bloemhof Girls’ High. Even though it took some time to get used to the school, I can honestly say that Bloemhof is one of the best schools in Stellenbosch. I was challenged academically and enriched culturally, a good combination. I think my schooling career was quite diverse, but I gained valuable experience and I would not trade it for the world.

Becoming a teacher was at first something that I was not keen on doing, but I reached a turning-point in my life during lesson analysis and practice teaching. I observed a lesson of one of my fellow PGCE students and she taught learners from my neighbourhood. I was stunned to see how little knowledge these learners because I hardly speak to anyone in my neighbourhood. It hurt me to the core when I heard the comments that some of the other students made after the lesson. I immediately took it upon myself to stand up for these learners. Even though I did not attend the school in my neighbourhood, I can still relate to these learners, because I see what they have to endure daily. I realized that I could make a difference of the learners around me. I want to be one of those inspiring teachers who encourages learners to always give their best and to no be victims of their circumstances. 

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