Biographical information

To summarize, I attended three primary schools due to us moving. In Robertson, I attended the Robertson Preparatory School until grade three. My father got a job in Stellenbosch and we moved here at the end of 2001. In 2002, I attended Eikestad Primary, but only for one year. It was quite difficult to adapt to a new environment and to a new school at such a young age. From 2003-2005 I attended Pieter Langeveldt Primary, which was closer to my home. My high school education was quite challenging at first, since I was enrolled at a girls school, Bloemhof Girls’ High. Even though it took some time to get used to the school, I can honestly say that Bloemhof is one of the best schools in Stellenbosch. I was challenged academically and enriched culturally, a good combination. I think my schooling career was quite diverse, but I gained valuable experience and I would not trade it for the world.

Becoming a teacher was at first something that I was not keen on doing, but I reached a turning-point in my life during lesson analysis and practice teaching. I observed a lesson of one of my fellow PGCE students and she taught learners from my neighbourhood. I was stunned to see how little knowledge these learners because I hardly speak to anyone in my neighbourhood. It hurt me to the core when I heard the comments that some of the other students made after the lesson. I immediately took it upon myself to stand up for these learners. Even though I did not attend the school in my neighbourhood, I can still relate to these learners, because I see what they have to endure daily. I realized that I could make a difference of the learners around me. I want to be one of those inspiring teachers who encourages learners to always give their best and to no be victims of their circumstances. 

Last English lesson

My last English lesson was quite short and sad. I enjoyed teaching my favourite grade eight class for one last time. I was very enthusiastic about this lesson, but it was obvious that I was overcome with emotion. I did a lesson on interpreting fonts in advertisements and how to interpret pie charts. This lesson focused on visual literacy, since it will form part of next year’s ANAS tests for the grade nines.
The lesson reached the outcomes since the learners were able to interpret the pie charts and they were able to gather information from the pie charts. Also, the learners were able to identify how different fonts can be used to persuade people into reading advertisements. Thus, even though the lesson was short, I reached my outcomes. 
I feel really relieved that I was able to finish all nine lessons in time. By the seventh week I was quite worried that things were not going to work out. Since this is the fifth English lesson I presented in one week, I felt really stressed at the beginning of this week. My English lessons gave me the most stress. That is probably why I postponed it all the time. The teacher also had to finish all her compulsory work before I could present all my lessons. I presented this lesson to the other grade eight class as well but it did not count.